I live in California and my license got suspended. What is the process involve in getting my license back? Do I Need an SR22 Insurance?

(Informations about SR22 Insurance) Basically, reinstatement may be in four step process: Finish your 30 day mandatory period You must enroll to the “first offender program” Get an SR22 insurance Go to the Department of Motor Vehicle and pay $125 When you go to the DMV, they will issue you a restricted driver’s license that […]

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A Lawyer’s Guide in Setting Law Firms Online

The use of the internet is not just for social media and connections as this has been a common ground for most people who are interested in earning money and promoting their products and services. But, the use of it is not just about the buying and selling of different products and goods as you […]

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Increasing the Lawyer to Client Efficiency

The internet has been the main medium for everything, especially in business. This is because there are so many people who are using the internet nowadays so this is the best place to advertise, do business, and send products. There are more people who can possibly see the advertisement and the business itself in the […]

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Nevada Lawyer Complaints

State Bar of Nevada Attn. Discipline Dept handles complaints about lawyers in Nevada. To file a complaint about a lawyer in Nevada: Lawyer Complaint Address State of Nevada, Office Dept 800 E Artur Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89106 Telephone 702-345-2400

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A judge is an official who presides over a court. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. In common law countries, such as the United States, and those with roots in the Commonwealth of Nations, judges have a number of powers which are not known to […]

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Practicing law includes interviewing a client to identify the legal question, analyzing the question, researching relevant law, devising legal solutions to problems, and executing such solutions through specific tasks such as drafting a contract or filing a motion with a court. Most academic legal training is directed to identifying legal issues, researching facts and law, […]

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